The tools used in this tutorial are as following: |Spec | Version | |:------------:|--------------| |OS | MacOS 10.14.3| |PHP | >= 7.0 | |Twig | 2.x | Note. This post is written in Markdown language which has not been supported in Blogger for mobile browser yet . Please read this article by a desktop computer for a better experience. # Introduction Like other languages, Twig has variables and expressions for developers and designers to implement user interface template. In this section, let's see how to use variables in Twig. # How to do It's simple to write a variable in Twig as in PHP. ```twig {# if name is kitty by setting #} name ``` However, it will be printed as plain text in the webpage if we write a variable as above. ``` name ``` In order to print the value of the variable, a pair of curly braces have to be used to enclose the variable. ```twig {# if name is kitty by setting #} {{ name }} ```
Then Twig template engine will print it on the webpage. ``` kitty ```
The variables are also able to be manipulated in the control structure: ```twig {% set name = 'kitty' %} {% if name is not empty %} {% set greeting = "Hello " ~ name %} {% else %} {% set greeting = "Hellow Anonymous" %} {% endif %} {{ greeting }} ```
The result is: ``` Hello kitty ```
If the variable is an object, the attributes(properties) of a variable can be accessed by a dot symbol(.). ```twig house.door ```
The attributes of a variable are also able to be accessed by "subscript" syntax. However, it doesn't work for the attributes which have special characters, such as '-', in the name. ```twig house['door'] ```
In order to let designer and developer access attributes which have special characters in the name, Twig provides `attribute()` for designer and developer to access attributes. ```twig attribute(house, 'data-door') ```
A null will be returned if a variable or attribute does not exist when the `strict_variables` option is set to false, otherwise, Twig will throw an error.
The convenient thing is multiple variables can be assigned values at the same time in one line: ```twig {% set door, room = 4, 2 %} ``` It is equivalent to: ```twig {% set door = 4 %} {% set room = 2 %} ``` # Practice Let's do some practice. The JSON object for practice is as follows: ```json { "houses":[ { "name": "1 storey house", "door": 4, "window": 4, "room": 4 }, { "name": "2 storey house", "door": 4, "window": 4, "room": 2 } ] } ```
Let's print the details of houses: ```twig {% for house in houses %} {{ house.door }} doors in {{ }} {% endfor %} ```
The result will be: ``` 4 doors in 1 storey house 4 doors in 2 storey house ``` # Setting Variables The variables can be set a value, such as string, integer, floating number, array, and key-value pairs, by Control Structure in a variant way. ## Set a string to a variable ```twig {% set var = 'this is a string' %} {# Tests the result #} {{ var }} ``` The result will be ``` this is a string ```
## Set an integer to a variable ```twig {% set var = 15 %} {# Tests the result #} {{ var }} ```
The result will be ``` 15 ```
## Set a floating number to a variable ```twig {% set var = 12.33456 %} {# Tests the result #} {{ var }} ```
The result will be ``` 12.33456 ```
## Set a string array to a variable ```twig {% set string_array = ['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'] %}
{# Tests the result #} {% for str in string_array %} {{ str }} {% endfor %} ```
The result will be ``` one two three four ```
## Set an integer array to a variable ```twig {% set integer_array = [1, 2, 3, 4] %} {# Tests the result #} {% for int in integer_array %} {{ int }} {% endfor %} ```
The result will be ``` 1 2 3 4 ```
## Set a floating number array to a variable ```twig {% set float_array = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4] %}
{# Tests the result #} {% for float in float_array %} {{ float }} {% endfor %} ```
The result will be ``` 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 ```
## Set key-value pairs to a variable, and the key is string ```twig {% set map_str_key = {'one': 'first', 'two': 'second', 'three': 'third'} %} {# Tests the result #} {% for key, value in map_str_key %} [{{ key }}] = {{ value }} {% endfor %} ```
The result will be ``` [one] = first [two] = second [three] = third ```
## Set key-value pairs to a variable, and the key is integer ```twig {% set map_int_key = {1: 'first', 2: 'second', 3: 'third'} %} {# Tests the result #} {% for key, value in map_int_key %} [{{ key }}] = {{ value }} {% endfor %} ```
The result will be ``` [1] = first [2] = second [3] = third ```
If we store key as an integer, we can use square brackets(`[]`) to manipulate this variable: ```twig {# this will throw an error [0] = {{ map_int_key[0] }} #}
[1] = {{ map_int_key[1] }} [2] = {{ map_int_key[2] }} [3] = {{ map_int_key[3] }} ```
The result is: ``` [1] = first [2] = second [3] = third ```
When we use this approach to manipulate the variable, we must be careful that does not access the key which doesn't exist. Otherwise, an error will be thrown.
## Set a block of value to the variable The `set tag` not only accepts a line of value but also accepts a multiple lines value. Let's see how to implement it. If we want to use a set block to set value, the value should be enclosed by `{%set ... %}` and `{% endset %}`. ```twig {% set integer_array = [1,2,3,4] %} {% set ints %} <ol> {% for int in integer_array %} <il>{{ int }}</il> {% endfor %} </ol> {% endset %} {# Shows the result #} {{ ints }} ```
The result is ```html <ol> <il>1</il> <il>2</il> <il>3</il> <il>4</il> </ol> ```
However, the `{% set ... %} ... {% endset %}` code block doesn't convert JSON string into an object and it cannot be used to assign key-value pairs: ```twig {% set home %} { 'door': 4, 'room': 2, 'toilet': 1 } {% endset %} {# Shows the result #} {{ home }} {# this doesn't show anything #} {% for item in home %} {{ item }} {% endfor %} {# this will throw error #} {{ home['door'] }} ```
The result is: ``` { 'door': 4, 'room': 2, 'toilet': 1 } ```
As a result, the `{% set ... %} ... {% endset %}` code block only treats the value as text as the demonstration in the [official document]( If we use HTML tags assigned to the variables in this sort of code block and automatic output escaping is enabled, the HTML tags will be encoded to make sure the content is safe. ```twig {% set trh = '<tr>' %} {% set tre = '</tr>' %} {% set tdh = '<td>' %} {% set tde = '</td>' %} {% set table %} <table> {{ trh }} {{ tdh }} cell 1 {{ tde }} {{ tdh }} cell 2 {{ tde }} {{ tdh }} cell 3 {{ tde }} {{ trh }} {{ trh }} {{ tdh }} cell 4 {{ tde }} {{ tdh }} cell 5 {{ tde }} {{ tdh }} cell 6 {{ tde }} {{ trh }} </table> {% endset %} {# shows the result #} {{ table }} ```
The result will be: ```html <table> <tr> <td> cell 1 </tr> <td&gamp;t; cell 2 </tr> <td> cell 3 </tr> <tr> <tr> <td> cell 4 </tr> <td> cell 5 </tr> <td> cell 6 </tr> <tr> <table> ``` ## Variable Scope If a variable has been declared inside a `for` loop, it cannot be accessed outside of the loop. ```twig {% set list=[1,2,3,4,5] %} {% for i in list %} {% set result = i %} {% endfor %} {# An error will be thrown #} {{ result }} ```
But it can be accessed if it has been declared outside the loop: ```twig {% set list=[1,2,3,4,5] %} {% set result = 0 %} {% for i in list %} {% set result = i %} {% endfor %} {# The result is 5 #} {{ result }} ```
# Filter A filter can be applied to the variables to trim space, lowercase all of the characters, merge an array and so on. ```twig {% set name = ' Kitty' %} {# this will print 'Kitty' instead of ' Kitty' #} {{ name }} ```
This will be introduced in the next tutorial.
# Reference [Twig Variables]( [set Tag]( ## Relevant Readings [How to setup development environment for Twig on MacOS](
[Tutorial] How to use variables in Twig
Find Window's Handle through PID
```cpp typedef _ProcessHwnd { DWORD ProcessID; HWND hwndProcess; } PROCESSHWND, * PPROCESSHWND; DWORD GetHWNDForProcess(DWORD ProcessID, PHWND ProcessHWND); BOOL CALLBACK FindProcessHWNDThruEnum(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam); // example function // returns 0 if success, results of GetLast Error if not // ProcessID is the process you are interested in // ProcessHWND will have the process' associated window handle. // Or NULL, if the process doesn't have a window // // Usage: GetHWNDForProcess(ProcId, &ProcHWND); // DWORD GetHWNDForProcess(DWORD ProcessID, PHWND ProcessHWND) { DWORD ErrValue = 0; BOOL fEnumWindows = FALSE; PROCESSHWND prochwndFind; // Initialize the structure memset(&prochwndFind, 0, sizeof(prochwndFind)); prochwndFind.ProcessID = ProcessID; fEnumWindows = EnumWindows(FindProcessHWNDThruEnum, (LPARAM) &prochwndFind); // Make sure EnumWindows succeeded if(fEnumWindows){ *ProcessHWND = prochwndFind.hwndProcess;
}else{ ErrValue = GetLastError();
return ErrValue; } // The EnumWindowsProc callback BOOL CALLBACK FindProcessHWNDThruEnum(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { PPROCESSHWND prochwndFind; DWORD ThisProcessID = 0; DWORD ThisThreadID = 0; // For completeness, not needed prochwndFind = (PPROCESSHWND) lParam; ThisThreadID = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &ThisProcessID); if(ThisProcessID == prochwndFind.ProcessID) { prochwndFind.hwndProcess = hwnd);
return FALSE;
}else{ return TRUE;
} } ```
[Tutorial] How to setup development environment for Twig on MacOS
The tools used in this tutorial are as following:
OS : MacOS 10.14.3
PHP version : >= 7.0
Twig version : 2.x
To install Twig Packs for VSC, please refer to the following photo:
In order to run a Twig template on the local machine, the Twig template engine has to be installed via Composer. The command for Twig template engine installation is as follows:
That's it. It's simple, right?
Trouble Shooting
Q: Where I can find my default PHP?
A: Execute which php
Q: What can I do if 'php -version' still shows php v5.x?
Q: What can I do if I got Permission Denied when using composer to install Twig? A: By default, composer is installed in /vendor. So, just run the command as follows:
Twig Install Twig by composer
OS : MacOS 10.14.3
PHP version : >= 7.0
Twig version : 2.x
Twig is a template engine for the web developers and designers to implement user interface template in PHP by built-in tags, filters, and functions. The benefit of using Twig to implement user interface template is enhancing the readability of code, reducing the complexity of code, and making it be extendable because the templates can be inherited and included in other templates in Twig. It sounds great, right? So, let's have a try with Twig right now.
According to the document from Twig, it shows that there are plenty of editors which are able to be used to implement Twig template. In this case, I chose Visual Studio Code as my IDE due to that I can have lots of extensions which helps me backup settings, highlight syntax and provide auto-completion for Twig template. The best thing is it's fast than Netbeans and Eclipse I used to implement projects in PHP and Java. Also, TwigFiddle is a very good online Twig template editor which provides varieties of Twig in different version and the template can be saved online. Furthermore, the testing data can be filled to test the Twig template in real-time. Or you can find other IDE and extensions by click here.
To install Twig Packs for VSC, please refer to the following photo:
In order to run a Twig template on the local machine, the Twig template engine has to be installed via Composer. The command for Twig template engine installation is as follows:
```sh composer require "twig/twig:^2.0" ```
That's it. It's simple, right?
Trouble Shooting
Q: Where I can find my default PHP?
A: Execute which php
Q: What can I do if 'php -version' still shows php v5.x?
Normally, the default PHP is allocated at `/usr/bin` on macOS. So, just edit your `~/.bash_profile` and insert `export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH` in this file. After that, just execute `. ~/.bash_profile` to update settings.
Q: What can I do if I got Permission Denied when using composer to install Twig? A: By default, composer is installed in /vendor. So, just run the command as follows:
sudo chown -R $USER /vendor
Twig Install Twig by composer
Composer: file_put_contents(./composer.json): failed to open stream: Permission denied
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