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Build docker image from multiple build contexts

Build docker image from multiple build contexts Building a docker image requires specifying a source of truth to include in the image from a local directory or a remote git repository. In the previous version, the docker BuildKit allows users to specify the build context from a single source of truth only. However, the engineers may need to have the context from different locations based on the type of files. For instance, icons, images or other resources that are not included in the same package, including the resource from other docker images. Fortunately, the Docker Buildx toolkit supports multiple build context flag for Docker 1.4. Let's learn how to use this new feature. The following list is a shortcut for jumping into a specific topic handy. What version of Docker is this tutorial targeting? How to specify the version of Dockerfile frontend? Ho




 int CXListCtrl::OnToolHitTest(CPoint point, TOOLINFO * pTI) const   
//See if the point falls onto a list item  
//UINT nFlags = 0;  
LVHITTESTINFO lvhitTestInfo;    = point;  
int nItem = ListView_SubItemHitTest(  
int nSubItem = lvhitTestInfo.iSubItem;  
UINT nFlags =  lvhitTestInfo.flags;  
//nFlags is 0 if the SubItemHitTest fails  
//Therefore, 0 & <anything> will equal false  
if (nFlags & m_wHistMask){  
//If it did fall on a list item,  
//and it was also hit one of the  
//item specific sub-areas we wish to show tool tips for  
//Get the client (area occupied by this control  
RECT rcClient;  
GetClientRect( &rcClient );  
//Fill in the TOOLINFO structure  
pTI->hwnd = m_hWnd;  
pTI->uId = (UINT) (nItem * 100 + nSubItem);  
pTI->rect = rcClient;  
return pTI->uId; //By returning a unique value per listItem,  
//we ensure that when the mouse moves over another list item,  
//the tooltip will change  
//Otherwise, we aren't interested, so let the message propagate  
return -1;  

 BOOL CXListCtrl::OnToolTipText(UINT id, NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)  
//Handle both ANSI and UNICODE versions of the message  
//Ignore messages from the built in tooltip, we are processing them internally  
if( (pNMHDR->idFrom == (UINT)m_hWnd) &&  
( ((pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTA) && (pTTTA->uFlags & 
      ((pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTW) && (pTTTW->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND)) ) ){  
return FALSE;  
*pResult = 0;  
CString strTipText;  
//Get the mouse position  
const MSG* pMessage;  
pMessage = GetCurrentMessage();  
ASSERT ( pMessage );  
CPoint pt;  
pt = pMessage->pt; //Get the point from the message  
ScreenToClient( &pt ); //Convert the point's coords to be relative to this control  
//See if the point falls onto a list item  
LVHITTESTINFO lvhitTestInfo;    = pt;  
int nItem = SubItemHitTest(&lvhitTestInfo);  
int nSubItem = lvhitTestInfo.iSubItem;  
UINT nFlags =  lvhitTestInfo.flags;  
//nFlags is 0 if the SubItemHitTest fails  
//Therefore, 0 & <anything> will equal false  
if( nFlags & m_wHistMask ){  
//If it did fall on a list item,  
//and it was also hit one of the  
//item specific sub-areas we wish to show tool tips for  
//Lookup the list item's text in the ToolTip Map  
CString strKey;  
strKey.Format(_T("%d"), nItem * 100 + nSubItem);  
if( m_ToolTipMap.Lookup(strKey, strTipText ) ){  
//If there was a CString associated with the list item,  
//copy it's text (up to 80 characters worth, limitation of the TOOLTIPTEXT structure)  
//into the TOOLTIPTEXT structure's szText member  
//Deal with UNICODE  
#ifndef _UNICODE  
if (pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTA)  
//lstrcpyn(pTTTA->szText, strTipText, 80);  
lstrcpyn(pTTTA->szText, "AAA", 80);  
//_mbstowcsz(pTTTW->szText, strTipText, 80);  
_mbstowcsz(pTTTW->szText, "Double Click Me", 80);  
if (pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTA)  
_wcstombsz(pTTTA->szText, strTipText, 80);  
lstrcpyn(pTTTW->szText, strTipText, 80);  
return FALSE;  //We found a tool tip,  
//tell the framework this message has been handled  
// ****** Special note *****  
// Still don't understand why the function must return FALSE for CListCtrl  
// so as not to cause flickering, as opposed to Nate Maynard's derivation  
// from CTreeCtrl.  
// I have experimented with disabling Tooltips for the control  
// and found out that a "ghost" tooltip appears for a fraction of a second...  
// I am completely at a loss...  
// Seems to work, though...  
return FALSE; //We didn't handle the message,  

Reference:Handling TTN_NEEDTEXT Notification for Tool Tips


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